Ringtone Maker for Android is the store for "free ringtones" for Andoid phones from MP3, WAV, AAC / MP4, 3GPP / AMR loaded onto the phone via a memory card or purchase via the Amazon MP3 store.
"Ringtone Maker" is the best ringtone app for Andoid present.
Ringtone Maker is free app creates ringtone, alarms, and notifications from MP3, WAV,AAC/MP4, 3GPP/AMR files.
Ringtone Maker will allow you to turn the tunes you love into high quality ringtones without spending a penny on it
Ringtone Maker - powerful and easy free ringtone creator software to make ringtones from various audio files.
Ringtone Maker have features:
+ Cut, paste copied tracks
+ Convert files to MP3
+ Adjust the volume of MP3
+ Preview MP3 files and applies to every person in the phonebook
+ See Popular music diễm under wave rolls
+ Set the ending point for ringtone use file
+ Recording a new track and edit
+ Indication 1 paragraph 1 ringtone to contacts
+ Organize your music by genre, performing artist, album
+ File Format
+ The supported file formats include: MP3, WAV, AAC / MP4, 3GPP / AMR
+ Also the application has a feature shared with friends via social networks like Facebook, Zalo, Viber, Line, Talk, Google+, Mail, Twitter ...